Monday 10 September 2012

And so it has begun

Wow, past two weeks have been hard!

I have been running every second day, about 3km. The girls at work said I should join the fun run group on a Friday afternoon... they go for a run together and run about 5.5km...
I finally worked up the courage to do it.. and man I am proud! I finished it. Almost ran the whole thing, except when I got a stitch! how amazing!

My weight loss has slowed down but now I'm at a total of 4kg loss... meaning I'm more then half way there!

I was told my uniform is now too loose and I need to get a new one. People are telling me how good I look and that I look healthier as well.

I think the hardest thing was to take the step to go exercise with other people. I know I'm not the fastest or the fittest, but I hoped I was ok to at least make it. But I'm so glad I did, because I ran it again 2 days later, and will again tomorrow and on Friday!

But check it out!! this is me ... I have collar Bones! again! yay!

I'm so glad I'm doing this... so glad that I look better, so glad I feel better, so glad to make myself proud, so glad to make my Boyfriend proud :)

Peace out!

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